World's leading trade fair and conference for electronics
November 12-15, 2024 | Messe München
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NewPower Worldwide

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Memory | Storage | Semiconductors | Processors | Finished Goods + More

Company profile

NewPower is the industry expert in the sourcing, procurement and redistribution of electronic components, computer products and peripherals. From shortages to cost-saving opportunities to exclusive market insights – we are positioned to be your go-to independent electronics component distributor. Our global offices provide uninterrupted 24×7 expert service, and our proprietary trading platform, EMPOWER™, allows our team to react fast and with precise accuracy by providing real-time market data with the click of a button. Our $325M committed credit facility is in place to guarantee our customers we can execute, and our end-to-end sourcing solution is all bound together by our relentless pursuit of process and quality. Discover the NewPower difference today!

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NewPower Worldwide
107 Northeastern Boulevard, Nashua, NH 03062, USA
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