Your reliable source for PCBs and FPCs, proudly based in the Czech Republic.
Established in 2003, Auspi Europe is a key division of the Auspi Group, with a global footprint spanning the Czech Republic, UK, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, USA, Mexico, and Brazil. Annually delivering over 60 million PCBs across vital sectors such as automotive, medical, telecommunications, aerospace, and industry, Auspi offers a comprehensive suite of services in the printed circuit sector. From design and development to cost optimization and product realization, complemented by a broad range of logistics services and exceptional after-sales support, Auspi’s worldwide presence ensures dedicated local assistance to our clientele.
TSE Electronics spol. s r.o.
Auspi Europe s.r.o.
U Smaltovny 716/3, 370 01 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic